When Tim Michaelson took over as Director of Operations at the D.O.T., his ability to see double and sometimes triple paved the way for many of the projects currently underway.

Tim was selected from an impressive line-up of notables recruited from around the world. He is the result of the largest talent search ever conducted by a public department, costing the taxpayers over $4o million in "fees and services" during the hiring process.

While most people agree every thoroughfare in Minneapolis is a backed-up parking lot during most hours of daylight, he will be spending this summer and fall off-duty in Hawaii for diversity training and focus group exercises.

Mr. Michaelson suffers from Strabismus, the eye-crossers disease, and has spent most of his days suing whomever he can place the blame on. He financed his campaign for DOT Chair with money earned from large cash settlements against his own parents and other relatives.

Unofficial reports say Michaelson has been treated for severe depression, alcoholism and drug abuse.

Tim was unavailable for comment.

Jonah Leshnay - the Peel

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Tim Michaelson speaks to reporters this Spring at the Capital.
Special Report: Spotlight on The Leaders of the DOT