Widow's Efforts to Maintain Upper-Class Lifestyle After Husband's Departure Met with Challenges
Ever since Anne Tipler's husband was killed last year, she has been forced to support her extravagant lifestyle by actually working.

"Life is very difficult for me now that I am working for a living", chirps Anne with a shaky voice and tears in her eyes, as she sips a latte while driving her white Cadillac Escalade to work.

Anne's husband Karl did not purchase life insurance and willed absolutely nothing to her, leaving 100% of his large fortune to the probate lawyer who manages his estate and who, coincidentally, also owns the farm where Mr. Tipler died.

Currently, Anne is employed stuffing envelopes for a sweepstakes company in the basement of a poorly-maintained factory. Forty hours a week she tolerates the deafening noise of an enormous turbine engine located just above her forehead where she works. "I've gotten used to the noise and hot drafts the engine emits", says Tipler, "but the spitting of hot oil and smelly lubricants into my eyes makes it hard to concentrate on my office work."

The police department is also investigating charges of harassment when Tipler recently discovered a glory hole in the wall next to her office chair. Gerald Bingham, the office manager who employs Tipler, refuted claims of a conspired effort to receive sexual favors from temporary employees, "How dare you accuse me of using that hole.. for anything." Bingham finally broke down and admitted the hole was first built as a joke, but became very popular among the other employees for peeping, but has recently been used in ways Mr. Bingham did not predict."I cannot stop my staff from making love to that hole", says Bingham.

Until police complete their investigation of the controversial hole, it will remain open for use. Temporary employees are not afforded the same protection under DOL law as regular employees of the sweepstakes company.

Mrs. Tipler admits the $6.25 per hour pay rate is not covering her regular expenses. The chapped fingers, blistered forehead and permanently damaged hearing has forced Anne to reconsider accepting some of the five dollar bills that occasionally get pushed through the hole next to her face.

Jonah Leshnay - the Peel

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