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What began as an organized potluck lunch on Friday turned wickedly violent as personal insults began to fly during the final moments of the event.
One participant, Cynthia Bumquist, was arrested after bludgeoning a coworker in the head with a toaster oven, which was still plugged-in and in the process of cooking 2 dozen pig-in-a-blanket treats. more> |
Widow's Efforts to Maintain Upper-Class Lifestyle After Husband's Death a Huge Struggle Ever since Anne Tipler's husband was killed last year, she has been forced to support her extravagant lifestyle by actually working. "Life is very difficult for me now that I am working for a living." more> |
Death Toll Rises to 294 at Waterfall Slide Opening Day Nearly three hundred teenage children have fallen to their deaths in what some are calling the worst waterpark disaster in history. more> |
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Sales Executive Reveals Graphic Porn on PC During Powerpoint Presentation An Oak Valley man lost everything he had worked so hard for last Monday when an errant key stroke during a Powerpoint presentation launched a pornographic slide show. more> |
ACORN Clean Out of Kool Cigarettes, Dems Now Desperate for Legit Votes ACORN has announced it has run out of Kool cigarettes and now may be forced to discontinue the "Cigarettes for Votes" program launched by Obama democrats last summer. Many multiple-vote casters are enraged and claim the government, more specifically former president George W. Bush, has conspired to stop Kool cigarette shipments from reaching the ACORN offices. more> |
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The medicine is a potent agent that reduces intraocular pressure, belongs to the group of synthetic prostanoid. The mechanism of action, through which Lumigan reduces intraocular pressure in humans results in increasing of the outflow of intraocular fluid through the trabecular mesh and in increasing of the outflow from the uveoscleral eye. The decrease in intraocular pressure begins around 4 hours after the first application. The maximum effect is achieved within approximately 8-12 hours. The effect lasts at least 24 hours.
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The medicine is a potent agent that reduces intraocular pressure, belongs to the group of synthetic prostanoid. The mechanism of action, through which Lumigan reduces intraocular pressure in humans results in increasing of the outflow of intraocular fluid through the trabecular mesh and in increasing of the outflow from the uveoscleral eye. The decrease in intraocular pressure begins around 4 hours after the first application. The maximum effect is achieved within approximately 8-12 hours. The effect lasts at least 24 hours. Other names for lumigan eye drops include: wash, pumice stone, and eye cleansing oil). As you can see, they're quite large. It can make mixing and using eye drops a bit of pain, especially if you're mixing and using multiple eye drops at a time. I also The medicine is a potent agent that reduces intraocular pressure, belongs to the group of synthetic prostanoid. The mechanism of action, through which Lumigan reduces intraocular pressure in humans results in increasing of the outflow of intraocular fluid through the trabecular mesh and in increasing of the outflow from the uveoscleral eye. The decrease in intraocular pressure begins around 4 hours after the first application. The maximum effect is achieved within approximately 8-12 hours. The effect lasts at least 24 hours. didn't notice much difference in how clear my lids were when using eye drops instead of moisturizer. As you can see below, when I left the eye products in morning and put the eye products back in after my moisturizer, eye lids were a clear as day – no dark spots! You can always try other ways to clear the makeup without using eye drops. The Bottom Line – Is Lumigan Moisturizer Safe? At first glance the Lumigan product claims to be a "mineral free, fragrance free moisturizer." But if you look at these ingredients, you'll see the mineral ingredients are in "mineral drugstore cellulite creams with caffeine rich mineral salts" category, like magnesium, potassium, zinc, sodium and other minerals, the only "fermented" ingredients are essential oils that not in the mineral-rich mineral salts category. And, of course, the product contains alcohol as a preservative. It also looks like the ingredients are not listed as preservatives, meaning it may not contain as much of a barrier-preventing property. And there's no evidence at all that these ingredients will help heal or prevent eye irritation in the slightest. And as you may have seen in the product description, ingredients are listed as "potent emollients; emulsifiers." But this isn't exactly defined, and there's also no information as to how good the emollients and emulsifiers are at actually soothing the skin – and that's what I'd consider the real question: will products make my skin better or worse? If your skin is already damaged from all the harsh makeup removers and acne medicine, the products may not be doing anything for you other than making your skintypes worse if that's what you're looking to accomplish. And there is also no evidence that vitamin A works on this skin type, either. According to research – published in 2002 there was no effect that vitamin A had on the skin during topical vitamin A applications. The authors also said that lack of a specific skin condition as control made it impossible to determine if vitamin A actually works. Another study from 2011 looked at topical vitamin A treatments, including one containing 2,000 I.U. doses as well another with a much smaller dose. After five applications to both groups of skin (which varied from 2 days to 5 days), there was no significant difference in the severity of sunburns between those treated with the more intense treatments compared to the treatment with less intense treatment. If you're concerned about the effect products could have on the skin, just don't use them; and in my opinion, you shouldn't use vitamin A treatment products anyway. is known to aggravate acne on the skin, and a lot of these products contain other ingredients to make them look more powerful. For example, the Lumigan product, and "eye cleansing oil," have more than a few ingredients that can trigger acne like fragrance, artificial sweeteners, and alcohol. So, while these products have an ingredient that looks promising, it's very important to remember that when taking them off the shelves, make sure ingredients are indeed "mineral rich mineral salts" and avoid anything that's made with fragrance and artificial sweeteners. How do you apply these eye drops? I've found that the best way to use these products would be to apply it directly the eye area for most effective results. But I do have a few tips that can help speed up your eye makeup removal. I highly recommend following this link for a more-in-depth post about how I use eye makeup removers on my eyes. I'd also recommend avoiding eye creams from the top down, because ingredients in them can make your eyes itch so hard. For these reasons, it helps when I start with a gentle eye cleansing solution that I can apply in the order listed below for quick eye makeup removal results. The solution may be applied in the morning and you may need to gently rinse your eye area with water just like in the photo below. 1. A mild eye cleanser, like this one (it might also help to use a more gentle eye makeup remover too, if you have dry skin and need your makeup to stay on eyes a bit longer), or some eye lubricant can help with makeup removal without eye irritation. Be sure to rinse with water a few minutes later while still damp for cleanliness. I found an eye cleaning gel at Wal-Mart that worked pretty well on my eyes this note. 2. If you've had contact with the eye makeup of a friend.
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Butter Falls Woman Loses 635 Pounds on Sunflower Seeds and Beef Jerky Tammy Tilz creaked the scales at a staggering 912 pounds last year, and is now over a quarter-ton lighter thanks to the 'seeds and jerky diet'. Tilz normally started her day with a dozen eggs and a box of Eggo waffles topped with a stick of soft butter.. more> |
Special Report: Spotlight on the Cross-Eyed Leader of the DOT When Tim Michaelson took over as Director of Operations at the Department of Transportation, his ability to see double, sometimes triple, has paved the way for many of the projects currently underway. more> |
Killer's Road Rage Spares the Lives of Hundreds of Superbowl Fans A Walt Lake man is in custody for plotting to assault a crowd of Superbowl fans with a huge battery of acquired ammunition yesterday, but instead ran out of bullets on the way to the stadium due to his own road rage. more> |
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Mass Extermination Button at Pool Hall Under Investigation Minneapolis Police are investigating a bizarre button installed on the wall at Cyanara's Pool Hall in Bangton Heights. "The mayor has received numerous complaints regarding the button, and wonders what it might actually be triggering when it's pressed", said Police Captain Thad Fearington. more> |
Mind Therapy Tip: Punch the Sky Countless studies and medications for depression and other anxiety disorders come up short for many victims of stress. However psychiatrist Wiley Halvchubb tells each and every patient, regardless of their diagnosis, to just 'punch the sky' when feelings of anger set in. "Sometimes a full minute of swipes at the heavens is all that's needed," says Dr. Halvchubb. "I tell my patients to reject those icky feelings of embarrassment and punch the sky until it hurts, until you feel your arms coming out of their sockets, even." more> |
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Suicide Attempt with Bowling Ball Backfires at IDS Center A 44 year old Eagan man sustained serious injuries today when a bowling ball he threw at a 5oth floor window at the IDS Tower deflected off the glass and hit him in the groin area breaking his coccyx. more> |
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Computerized Human Resources Wall 'Doesn't Give a Rip' The Artificial Intelligence Surrogate, or AIS ("Ace"), controls most of the company's payroll and employee complaints using voice recognition and email correspondence. Many employees have come forward to complain that "HR" is nothing more than an arcade fortune teller that spits out tickets reminding you to check your email for further information. more> |
Sarin Gas the Cause of Five Deaths in Ridiculous Hospital Mix-up An oxygen tank valve switch was in the wrong position for two days at an Ezekiel West Hospital operating room killing a total of five patients. Many of the victims' families are in shock after a press conference where hospital staff clarified that an A-B switch operated a valve that feeds either oxygen or sarin gas to the patient's breather mask from tanks located in operating room nine. more> |
Litz defended his actions to police yesterday, "Every so often that Dale guy pretends to punch me in the groin, only to extend his hand out for a handshake. What's worse, he only does it when I'm carrying hot coffee or speaking to somebody important while walking." more> |
Arsonist Who Burned Neighbors Home to the Ground Wants Revenge Demetre Jackson admitted to burning his neighbor's house to the ground this September, was released due to a Miranda technicality, and was recently victorious in a lawsuit against the owners of the very home he burned. more> |